
2018-02-07 08:09:00


In recent years, the medieval and early modern Waldensians have enjoyed a renewed scholarly interest giving rise to a number of new publications. Moreover, 2017 marks the anniversary of Reformation which resulted in a number of scholarly events. There are, however, significant gaps in scholarship on the Waldensians, most notably a lack of critical editions as well as studies around topics such as intertextuality and the circulation of texts. Such research would allow scholars in the field to gain a better knowledge of Waldensian text production and the place of that movement within the medieval and early modern religious space in Europe.

The Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies will be hosting a conference on the Waldensians on the 9th to 10th February 2018 in Trinity College Dublin. The purpose of this conference will be to advance this discussion of the movement and to foster international collaboration in Waldensian studies. It is anticipated that the papers will be published (subject to peer review).

2018年2月9日から10日にかけて、アイルランドはダブリンにあるトリニティ・カレッジ Trinity College Dublin にて、ヴァルド派に関連する国際シンポジウムが開催されます。当サイトの管理人も参加予定であり、報告者の一人として2月10日(土)午前の部に登壇します。


New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identity:
The Waldensians in the Medieval and Early Modern Context

International Colloquium
February 9-10 2018
Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Trinity College Dublin
Venue: Trinity Long Room Hub, Neill Theatre

Provisional Programme

Friday 9 February

Registration: 8.30am-9am

9am: Welcome

I. 9.15am-10.30am: Writing Waldensian Identity

  1. Mr Federico Zuliani (Independant Researcher): The Waldensian Medieval Past in Scipione Lentolo’s Historia (1567-c.1597)
  2. Ms Sophie Langeneck (Facoltà Valdese di Teologia): A Critical Analysis of Alcuns volon ligar la parolla de Dio segont la lor volunta

10.30am-10.45am: Coffee Break

II. 10.45am-12.15am: Digital Humanities and Waldensian Studies

  1. Dr Reima Välimäki (University of Turku): Refutatio errorum – Another Anti-Waldensian Text Attributed to the Inquisitor Petrus Zwicker
  2. Professor Khurshid Ahmad (Trinity College Dublin): Surfing History – Finding Witches, Saints, Sinners, and Angels

12.15-2pm: Lunch Break

III. 2pm-4pm: Waldensian Manuscripts (Henry Jones Room, Old Library)

  1. Professor Lothar Vogel (Facoltà Valdese di Teologia): The “Somme le Roy” in the Waldensian manuscripts
  2. Mr Andrea Giraudo (University of Siena): The Critical Edition of the Waldensian Sermons: History, Challenges, and Perspectives
  3. Ms Joanna Poetz (Trinity College Dublin): The Waldensian Manuscripts of Dublin: a Selection of Texts Unique to the Collection of the Old Library of Trinity College

4pm-4.30pm: Break

IV. 4.30pm-5.45pm: Waldensians in an International Context

  1. Professor Alfonso Tortora (University of Salerno): Una difficile eredità per la Riforma elvetico-strasburghese: i Valdesi del Mezzogiorno d’Italia
  2. Mr Marco Bettassa (Università della Repubblica di San Marino): Migration’s Structures: Waldensians in Germany (1698-1720)

 5.45pm-6pm: Coffee Break

6pm-7pm: Keynote Lecture

Professor Caterina Menichetti (University of Lausanne and University of Geneva): Book Circulation and Linguistic Strategies in the Waldensian Communities (c. 1500): Towards a Critical Text of the Acts of the Apostles in Waldensian Occitan

7.15pm-8pm: Wine Reception

Saturday 10 February

V. 8.45am-10.15am: Waldensian Identity

  1. Dr Yutaka Arita (Ritsumeikan University) : Waldensian Identity after the Reformation (1532-1848)
  2. Dr Marianne Cailloux (Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne): Religion et identité visuelle : les Vaudois et l’image peinte dans les Alpes

10.15am-10.30am: Coffee Break

VI. 10.30am-11.45am: Waldensians and Authority

  1. Ms Stefania Gargioni (University of Kent and Freie Universität Berlin): Political Authorities and Religious Tolerance : A Comparison between the Edict of Cavour and the Early Edicts of the French Wars of Religion
  2. Dr Bart Jacobs (Jagielllonian University in Krakow): Thoughts on the Waldensian-Occitan heritage in Guardia Piemontese, Calabria

11.45am-12am: Coffee Break

VII. 12am-1.15pm: Persecution and Martyrdom

  1. Dr Georg Modestin (Kantonsschule Freudenberg): The Mass Persecution of the Waldensians of Upper Austria 1395-1399: Collecting Scattered Evidence
  1. Professor Charles Morand Métivier (University of Vermont): Writing Martyrdom: the Creation of Waldensian Lubéron in a Space of Emotional Resistance

1.15pm-2.30pm: Lunch Break

2.30pm-4pm: Keynote Lecture

Professor Marina Benedetti (Università degli Studi di Milano): Circulation and Transmission of Texts: the Case of the Waldenses

4pm-4.15pm: Coffee Break

 VIII. 4.15pm-5.30pm: The Critical and Historical Legacy of the Waldensians

  1. Dr Pierre Swiggers (University of Leuven): The Abregé de l’Histoire des Vaudois: Pierre Boyer’s Version (1691) of Waldensian History
  2. Dr Marco Fratini (Fondazione Centro culturale valdese): Re-reforming the Waldensians? English and Scottish Contributions to the Creation of the Waldensian Libraries in the Nineteenth Century



Current and Future Directions for Research in Waldensian Studies: Conclusion of the Colloquium